Fathers Day Fun - Cub Section

Fathers Day Fun - Cub Section
This week Kevin, the Group Scout Leader, and Rachael, one of our Assistant Scout Leaders and who will, hopefully, be the new Cub Akela later this year, ran Cubs with a theme of Father's Day.
The evening started with the traditional Grand Howl, followed by games outside. After this the Cubs embarked on making Father's Day cards and presentation bags of sweets. They began by sticking coloured card to card blanks and making rosettes for the cards, decorating them to their on design. This was a great evening and enjoyed so much by the Cubs it was near silence as they concentrated hard to get this right, the result 10 perfect cards ready for Dad, best friend or who-ever they wanted to honour this Sunday.
For me, it was a great evening with a great bunch of Cubs - Kevin (GSL)