After the war, as more members returned home and rejoined the Group activities finding a new Headquarters became of utmost importance and finally in 1945 the original Sturge School, still in the High Street and then in use as a British Restaurant, was acquired and opened by Mr Aldous, Chairman of the NUDC (Northfleet Urban District Council).
This building was to be the Group's home for the next 24 years and must be considered one of the main reasons for its strength during this period, with great variety of group functions, celebrations and parties fostering and welding the Group and its strong Associate section.
With the acquisition of the new Headquarters everything began to start again - Gang Shows, the Band, Old Folks Parties, County Marathons, Rover Moots and Camps all got under way and, in addition, new things cropped up. A Sea Scout Section was started in 1946 and although not long lived was a prominent part of post war activity. A new Senior Scout Troop was formed and in these years had members selected to attend the World Jamborees in Austria and Canada. Side line activities such as the Duke of Connaught Shield for rifle shooting and the Soap-Box Derby were entered with considerable success and, latterly, the National Band Competition.
In the early 1950's a further change was made in the scarf by the addition of a small badge, designed by the Rover Crew, visually depicting North and Fleet. The badge is worn by all invested members of the Group and the first issue was presented by Mrs. Eva Redler, a member of the Associates.
The Guiding reins during these days passed from Bob Dalley as GSM to Vic Hull, on to Arthur Harlin and then John Tait in the 60's, and eventful period for the group.